A percentage of all you earn is going to be set aside specifically for your future, before you pay for anything else. This is called the PYF percentage — or the Pay-Yourself-First percentage. It is up to you to decide what this percentage is; however, in order to gain real momentum, make it at least 10%. If 10% seems impossible now, start lower and increase that number every time you receive a pay increase. But remember that this is your most important investment, as it will determine when you can be free of that hamster wheel.
Resolve to make this decision and take action immediately to harness the power of compounding interest. Remember, this is the percentage that you will pay yourself first – no matter what. Make it a reality by automating it.
If you think there is no way that you can possibly pay yourself first, watch check out the story of a man who never earned more than $14,000 and yet managed to retire with over $70 million.
Sam Kakembo
"Turning Ideas Into Reality. Daily"
P.S. This is how I did it.
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About the author: Sam Kakembo is an international investor, entrepreneur, and known as one of the most sought after Branding, Lifestyle Design, and Real Estate Re-developers in the online business community. He is an expert in creating wildly profitable online promotions that also skyrocket brand loyalty and good will without being obnoxious or even remotely "salesy". His Free Investors Toolkit & e-letter crash course is about using the experiences from his life and professional network to help you achieve more freedom.