I have noticed through studying successful people that they all have the same thing in common. They are always learning and consuming information.
A recent survey shows that the average Fortune 500 CEO Reads 4-5 books a MONTH.
Studies show that active readers are likely to have annual incomes more than 5 times greater than those who spend little or no time reading. Do I have your attention yet?
You can Rent the book from a friend, go to your local library, buy it on kindle, buy the hard/paperback, use an audible account, download the MP3 and put it on your phone/ipod/ipad/car….. Just get the info into your brain.
Most likely it would take 30 days to read the book and then you have to add your comments in the discussion links below PER book when your done. Try your best to keep up. If you are ahead read faster, if you are behind try and catch up.
The point of this is to see what Successful People are reading and follow along as in your journey to financial and time freedom.
This is open to ANYONE who wants to learn more to earn more and leave a bigger impact in their families lives. Once you make enough to cover your rent/food/utilities/basic needs…. it’s time to grow past your own needs and look to really help others.
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Let’s RUN together… and build a brighter future.
1) Jan 2014: Your Choice
2) Feb 2014: Psycho-Cybernetics, A New Way to Get More Living Out of Life [Maxwell Maltz]
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-Buy It Here (linked to Amazon)
~ Keep Your Dreams Alive ~
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